Adult & Senior Eye Exams

Taking Care of Your Eyes

Your vision and eye health deserve to be supported by an expert team of optometrists and eye care professionals.

Routine eye exams are your best protection against vision issues, dry eyes, and eye diseases that can negatively impact your life.

Enhance your life and experience your best vision possible with a comprehensive eye exam at Specialty Eye.

Adult Eyes

The Specialty Eye Exam

Your eyes deserve Specialty Eye care. Our adult and senior eye exams are tailored to check your vision, build you a personalized prescription, and test for a range of eye issues using advanced, and noninvasive technologies.

What you get is a clear picture of your vision and eye health. We want you to fully understand everything that’s going on with your sight. If you have any questions, ask away! We are really into the science behind your eyes.

Check Yearly to See Clearly

Specialty Eye recommends that everyone have their eyes “checked yearly to see clearly.” Determining your baseline for vision prescriptions and eye health will help us enrich your vision with personalized care at any stage in life.

Ages 18–64

Between the ages of 18–64, Specialty Eye recommends you have an eye exam every year. During this time, we will check for any refractive errors that may need to be corrected with prescription glasses or contact lenses, diagnose eye diseases, and assess the general health of your eyes.

Presbyopia is a common vision issue many people begin to face after age 40. You may begin to notice that your near vision isn’t as good as it used to be and you may require brighter lighting to read. This is typically the result of the lenses in your eyes becoming more rigid, and not changing shape as easily to let you focus on objects close up. Without correction, you may be bothered by blur, headaches, and eye strain.

Ages 65+

As we age, we are more at risk of developing eye diseases and conditions. That’s why yearly comprehensive eye exams become even more important for anyone 65 or older.

Common eye diseases can include:

  • Cataracts—the clouding of the normally clear lens inside the eye, resulting in hazy vision. Early cataracts can be corrected with a change in prescription lenses, but to fully treat them, you may require cataract surgery.
  • Glaucoma—an eye disease affecting your optic nerve. Glaucoma impacts your peripheral vision first, slowly making its way inward.
  • Age-related macular degeneration—affects your macula, the tiny part of your retina responsible for clear central vision. There are 2 forms: dry and wet .

We’re Ready For Your Next Visit

Specialty Eye is your trusted source for comprehensive eye exams. We’re proud of the high-quality services we offer, and our team is excited to become part of your healthcare team.

Whether you’re a new patient, or you’ve been coming to us for ages, we’re ready for your next visit. All you need to do is request an appointment at a time that works for you, in your Greater Seattle neighborhood!